Direct marketers have a bad reputation as "junk mailers" and more recently "spammers". And to be fair, as an industry we bring it upon ourselves. When we succumb to the VP who constantly wants to send out more and more communications, we stuff inboxes full of unexpected, unwanted "junk" causing disdain and associating the brand with the money-grubbing nuisances that we are. Hey, just callin' it as I see it.
On the other hand ...
There are, on the other hand, direct marketers who have it right. Those wise marketers that make an effort to connect on a one-to-one basis. Those companies and agencies that spend as much time getting to know their current customers as they do finding new ones. Those advertisers are the friends of the people, the champions of real customer relationships, no matter whether their list is in the hundreds or the hundreds of thousands.
That's what this weekly blog is intended to be about. Observations about how some marketers are getting it right and how others are missing the mark. Tips on stepping back and taking in the broader picture of how the lifecycle of good direct strategies never ends, it just builds upon itself. If you have any questions about how to make your direct marketing better, or if you have an example that you'd like to share, please drop me an email.
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